Orit Shimoni (Little Birdie) has released nine independently released albums to date. You can purchase individual tracks or full albums below. Your financial contribution makes a huge difference, from being able to buy new socks and groceries, to saving up for the next release! You can preview the tracks below, and if you choose to, you can have 'em! Thanks!
Cinematic Way, was named one of the top 3 Canadian releases of its year (2006), on CBC radio program, Fresh Air. Well reviewed and played in radio stations across Canada and Europe, the album is a collection of 11 of Orit's songs, and recorded with Montreal's Andre Kirchhoff, Mark Goodwin, (who also produced it,) RD Harris, Stuart Patterson, and others. Falling somewhere near the alternative-country genre, it is a mix of sounds and sentiments old and new, with poignant lyrics and a rich, lush ambiance.
The second album, called I Left the City Burning, another collection of 11 songs, (10 by Orit, and 1 by sideman, Andre Kirchhoff), was recorded to capture a folkier/rootsier sound, was warmly reviewed, and charted for several months on Canadian college radio.
Sadder Music, the third album, is a collection of songs written in and about Orit's experiences in Berlin, and was recorded at a live performance there, with some of the musicians she had the pleasure of working with.
Little Birdie's fourth album, Bare Bones, has just arrived. A collection of eleven new songs, recorded TOTALLY solo, as requested by several fans. It has received wonderful reviews!
Album nubmer five is in the mixing stages, so stay tuned for more...