Piano songs have long intrigued me, and always seemed out of reach as far as my own song-writing goes, primarily because I don’t play the piano, (well, duh!) But also, their association for me is of a particular type of outpouring, that extra exhalation, that post-cry sigh, the ultimate confession, and even a touch of the cheesy – maybe it’s the body posture of sitting in front of it and pressing into it – you can tell the piano your secrets in a different way than you can tell your guitar. The songs I think of are exceedingly vulnerable and broken, but powerful because of it, and even if by super-famous people, I imagine them performed only in dark, smoky, after-hour bars where the only people left are the other lost souls who murmur ‘yeahhh..’ and ’mmmhmmm,’ in low tones of sentiment-camaraderie, staring into space or at the bottoms of glasses.
Well, the good thing about being a songwriter is that if you can ‘learn’ yourself a little piano, you can have ‘that’ place to go to when you have something to say about said ‘that.’ ‘That’ – by the way, is thankfully not a permanent state of mind. If this song comes out of a ‘ready-to-quit’ weariness, by writing it, and here I go sharing it, I haven’t quit at all. Not yet. The joke’s on…. err… umm…uh oh.. is it me?